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Swimming Against the Odds

5 June 2024 Sheila Swim

Sheila's life changed dramatically in April 2020 when she contracted Covid 19. The virus left her with severe pneumonia, requiring a long hospital stay. Thanks to the exceptional care she received, Sheila's life was saved, but she is now dependent on supplemental oxygen.

Despite her challenges, Sheila, a keen swimmer before her illness, was determined to return to the pool. In May 2022, she approached the Tollcross International Swim Centre, where the staff made special arrangements for her to swim with an oxygen cylinder poolside.

"All of the staff in Tollcross have been so helpful and encouraging in my efforts to get back swimming." 


In January 2024, Sheila set herself a new goal: a 5km swim to raise funds for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, to support the Theatre Enhancement Project at the Royal Hospital for Children, where she previously had worked as a Paediatric Cardiac Nurse.

Guided by Dr. Alyson Walker, Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthetist, and in partnership with Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, the Theatre Enhancement Project aims to create a more compassionate and empathetic environment for patients, their families, and the dedicated staff who care for them.

Sheila’s determination to help young patients motivated her to push her limits.

"I decided that I could potentially do a 5km swim despite not doing that kind of distance for the best part of 40 years."

Sheila trained regularly, gradually building up her distance. Reflecting on the day of the challenge in April 2024, Sheila told us,

"I managed to complete the 200 lengths in 2 hrs 57min which was around 15mins faster than I anticipated so I was pleased at that."

Her incredible effort raised a fantastic £1,410 for the charity!

Inspired by Sheila? Be a fundraising hero for our young patients by taking part in our 106 Miles in June Challenge.

Get sponsored to swim, walk, run or cycle 106 Miles - the length of the River Clyde - over June, and help us raise vital funds to support Scotland's youngest patients.

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