Marvellous Mila Gives Back

Baby Mila Abercrombie’s parents faced a difficult journey when during the pregnancy, they found out their baby had a serious heart condition.
At birth, Mila was taken straight to NICU, and at just 8 days old, she went through life-saving open heart surgery, carried out by Professor Danton.
After 10 weeks and multiple challenges, brave little Mila was finally able to go home and spend time with her big brother, Caiden, while remaining under the care of the hospital team.
During their time in the hospital, the Abercrombie family benefitted from a wide range of support, funded by Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity.
“We found VCreate amazing as we stayed in Ronald McDonald House and were often called during the night to come back over. VCreate let us know she was safe and cosy and tucked in at night, as we weren’t allowed to stay in intensive care."
VCreate is a secure video messaging service, funded by Glasgow Children's Hospital charity, which allows families with babies in intensive care to stay connected.
"We also had Inky Feet done as there were times they didn’t know if she was going to make it and needed memories."
Chelsea, Mila's Mum
"The play team were amazing, they tried their hardest with mirrors, etc to help Mila see something different, as being ventilated and paralysed, meant she couldn’t move and was growing every day!"
“The kindness of the staff and the sheer volume of amazing care Mila received, inspired me to fundraise. Seeing firsthand what the charity does brought me to tears of joy."
Chelsea, mila's mum
"We had a party with a DJ, local singer Pat Canavan, and a raffle. We raised a massive £3,300 with the help of local people and our friends and family!”
We'd like to thank the Abercrombie family for their fantastic support of the charity and are delighted to hear how well Mila is doing.