Lauren and Ollie’s 106 Miles in June

After being born over 2 months early, Ollie spent the first 65 days of his life in the NICU, requiring abdominal surgery during this time. His Mum Lauren has completed our 106 Miles in June Challenge to give back and help raise money for children and babies like Ollie who need to spend time in the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.
Ollie’s Hospital Journey
On the 6th of March, Ollie arrived 10 weeks early and weighed only 2lbs 10oz.
He was transferred to the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, and after tests were carried out on the neonatal unit, it was found he had a swollen abdomen which would need surgery to be fixed. He stayed in the NICU for a total of 65 days and was looked after by the incredible neonatal nurses and surgeons.
Ollie’s mum, Lauren, has told us,
“We never expected to find ourselves in this situation and in the unit. Until you do, there is no way to explain the feelings and challenges throughout the experience.”
How Your Donations Have Helped
Whilst in the NICU, Ollie’s family benefitted from several charity-funded services to help them stay connected to their new baby boy despite him needing to stay in the neonatal unit for an extended period of time.
At only 2 days old, our Little Inky Feet project allowed Ollie’s parents to make a print of his tiny feet, and they say it is a very treasured keepsake from his time in NICU, despite the scary, unknown circumstances.
Vcreate was another service used by the family, that is only possible due to your kind donations. Vcreate allows parents to receive photos and messages from ward staff, to show them their child when they cannot be by their side,
“Vcreate was amazing to be able to check in, put your mind at ease and never miss out on any moments.”
Lauren, Ollie’s Mum
Giving Back
To give back to the charity, and to give other families staying in the NICU the opportunity to benefit from services like Vcreate and Little Inky Feet, Lauren took on our 106 miles in June Challenge.
“Ollie has been joining me on our miles - I am happy to be doing this legwork while he is doing some good growing!”
Lauren, Ollie’s Mum
Lauren has completed the challenge and has raised an amazing £880! We are so grateful for her fundraising efforts, and the money raised will help hospital families receive the care and services she has benefitted from herself during Ollie’s first few weeks in the NICU.