Thomas gives the greatest gift of all

3 year old Thomas gave the greatest gift of all - a donation to support children like him in hospital.
Mum, Julie tells us more:
“Thomas is a very lucky boy, and has been blessed with his health due to the hospital. We will be indebted forever to anyone who has helped us on our journey.”
We’re so grateful to 3 year old Thomas, who chose to donate to Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity instead of receiving gifts for his 3rd birthday this year.
Thomas was born with the congenital condition posterior urethral valves, and spent the first 5 weeks of his life in the neonatal unit at the children’s hospital. At just one week old, Thomas had his first surgery – a vesicostomy, which is a stoma just under the belly button which will allow Thomas to pass urine until his obstruction is removed when he is older.
Thomas’ first week in the neonatal unit
Projects funded by Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity – including VCreate video messaging and Beads of Courage - helped Julie and Thomas from those very first few days in the neonatal unit. Julie said:
“Vcreate was a massive part of our journey. This amazing service allowed us to receive pictures of Thomas overnight while we were at home it made it that little bit easier to leave him each night. I was able to save the pictures from his journey which I still have and reflect on at times, which reminds me how far he’s come.
“During Thomas’ time in NICU we also had Beads of Courage given to us which documented his journey."
"Every scan, bloods, operation or procedure he attended gained him a bead. He even received a beautiful special one when the day finally came to take him home. We will treasure this forever."
Special memories
“The play team also spent time with us and we made little hand and feet prints for a book provided to us by the hospital to document Thomas’ journey.”
Thomas is now treated by the renal and urology teams. Julie, said:
“Both teams have been exceptional since the start. I literally owe them everything and more."
“Thomas is currently waiting on formal closure of his vesicostomy within the next few months, then we don’t really know what will happen next for him. His kidneys are still being closely monitored by the renal team."
Dealing with uncertainty
“We don’t really know how our journey will turn out, however I have complete and utter faith in both the urology and renal teams regardless of what may happen.
“My boy is a warrior and hopefully an inspiration to others in a similar position.”
Thank you, Thomas!
We are incredibly grateful to Julie and Thomas for their generous support, and wish Thomas a very happy third birthday!
The projects that supported Thomas and Julie are only possible thanks to donations and fundraising from our amazing supporters. Please help us continue to fund these important services by making a donation today. Thank you.