Play Your Part
Help us fund the fun at the children's hospital with a monthly donation!
It's time to play your part
Each day in hospital, seriously ill children have the chance to have fun, play and recover thanks to our charity-funded Play Programme.
Our wonderful Play Team work tirelessly entertaining, distracting and relaxing young patients of all ages - helping to make their time in hospital less worrying and more enjoyable.
Play your part for children like Riley
Riley spent a month in intensive care and lost all of his basic motor skills including how to walk, hold objects and move his muscles.
Thanks to the power of play, Riley was able to recover quicker in hospital.

"So many teams have been a part of his recovery, including the wonderful Play Team. Play for Riley hasn’t just been about entertainment and distraction - play activities that practise motor skills have helped Riley to recover more quickly.
"Lauren from the Play Team played lego with Riley regularly. This really helped him to build his confidence back up by doing something he loved, and his motor skills have greatly improved through play as a result."
For just £3 a month, you can help to fund our Play Programme, giving seriously ill children like Riley the chance to recover through play. Help us fund the fun!