Accepting Donations and Support
Donations and fundraising are vital to our work. We aim to ensure that our activities are ethical, honest, transparent and legal, and help to achieve our purpose.
We will always put the best interests of our beneficiaries at the heart of our decisions. We are dedicated to the physical and mental health of children, and to protecting them and their rights in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Like other charities, there may be occasions where it is in our best interests to refuse or return a donation. We may also undertake due diligence on potential partners or volunteer fundraisers before donations are accepted. Refusals may occur in situations where it would be unlawful to accept a donation, or when it would be detrimental to the achievement of the charity’s purpose.
When we may refuse to accept support
Circumstances that are detrimental to the achievement of our purpose may include activities, fundraising events/ participation or donations that would result in:
- The loss of donations or support from others, equivalent to or greater than the value of the donation;
- Conflict with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- Reputational damage due to a conflict with the values and purpose of the charity.
In these cases, a careful analysis is undertaken to balance the financial impact of refusing support, with the concerns of the source of the donation. The charity’s senior management team, CEO and board of trustees may all be involved in this evaluation process to ensure maximum transparency and diligence.
The basis for our decisions
In addition to the charity’s purpose and values, charity law and other relevant legislation, decisions will be based on best-practice industry guidance from bodies including:
- The Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel – the body responsible for overseeing the UK-wide Code of Fundraising Practice in Scotland
- The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Chartered Institute of Fundraising Scotland