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Memory Milk: Ami’s Story

12 October 2024 milk bank donation

This Baby Loss Awareness Week, we spoke to Ami from Erskine about the powerful impact of the Donor Milk Bank Service on her journey, both as a recipient and a donor.

The Donor Milk Bank Service provides safe screened donor human milk to premature babies across the country who so desperately need it.

Babies who are born very early are at greater risk of infection which can be fatal in their critical early days. Breast milk from a baby’s own mother is always the best nutrition, but this may not always be available, especially in the first few days of life.

Every week our volunteer drivers travel hundreds of miles to collect and deliver donor milk to help support the tiniest and most vulnerable babies across Scotland. Babies like Camdyn.

Camdyn’s Arrival

“The Donor Milk Bank first became part of our lives during my first pregnancy with our son Camdyn,” Ami shared. Born at just 29 weeks, Camdyn weighed only 2lbs 14oz.

“I had to use milk from the bank because my own milk didn’t come in right away,” she recalled. "The donated milk saved Camdyn’s life. We are so thankful for the service and the generous donors.”

“Camdyn is now a fantastic five-year-old who just started Primary 1.”

Camdyn school

Clark’s Story

In January 2021, Ami’s second pregnancy took a tragic turn.

“I developed pre-eclampsia and Clark had to be delivered at just 24 weeks to save my life."


"He survived for 12 days before his little lungs couldn’t cope anymore.”

Clark passed away in Ami’s arms.

Clark in Ami's arms

Though she lost Clark, Ami’s body produced a surplus of milk. “I was storing it for him, but I just thought—Camdyn probably wouldn’t be here if another mum hadn’t donated her milk, so we decided to donate Clark’s milk to help another family.”

Donating her milk became a way for Clark’s legacy to live on.

"It’s a comfort to know another mummy is thankful for it.'

Memory Milk Gift Initiative

The Memory Milk Gift Tree is a hand-painted mural commemorating the families who have donated their milk in memory of their baby, commissioned by Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity together with Milk Bank Scotland.

Memory Milk Gift Tree

Our Memory Milk Tree is located in the Milk Bank at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and we are delighted to be able to offer families who donate milk after loss the opportunity to have their baby’s name added to the tree. 

Clark Leaf

They are also offered a wooden Memory Milk Pebble to remember their precious gift to others.

clark pebble 2

"When Clark passed, the support that we received from the hospital team was honestly amazing. All the memory-making offerings were so special. We were able to make footprints, a precious keepsake that we will always cherish, and a memory box which we opened on what would have been his first birthday."

Continuing Clark’s Legacy

Ami and her family have been working tirelessly to ensure Clark’s short life makes a lasting impact. Through "Clark’s Campaign" in partnership with Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC), they’ve raised over £60,000 and played a key role in passing legislation for pre-eclampsia testing across Scotland.

“We do this to give Clark’s life meaning."

“Every year on his birthday, we go to Irvine beach where we write his name in the sand and let go of balloons. We also have a memory garden for him and a memory table with special pictures and objects that remind us of him. Clark’s memory lives on in so many ways.” 

"Donating Clark's milk and campaigning in his name gives me some peace. Knowing that something that was made for him is helping someone else is a huge comfort."