World Heart Day: Noah's Heartversary

A few days after being born in 2014, Noah was rushed to Yorkhill and was diagnosed with a heart condition. He and his family have spent the past decade fundraising for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. They want to give back and say thank you for all the care and support they have received whenever Noah has been in hospital for appointments or check-ups.
Noah's Hospital Journey
When Noah was just 10 days old, he was diagnosed with a Coarctation of his Aorta. He was rushed, by ambulance, to Yorkhill. Noah had emergency heart surgery to repair his aorta and spent a few days in NICU. He was then moved to high dependency, then to Ward 5A, the Cardiac ward.
His Mum, Marie, has expressed her thanks to the Cardiac team,
“Kindly, the staff in the hospital always found me somewhere to sleep so that I could stay in the same building as him during this time. Initially, Noah was seen 6 monthly for checkups with his fabulous Cardiologist, Karen McLeod. As he's grown, they have changed to checkups once every 3 years.”
"The treatment that Noah has received from the Cardiac team has been outstanding."
Marie, Noah's Mum
Throughout Noah’s time in hospital, he has needed ECGs to monitor his heart health. Noah doesn’t like the stickers needed for this check-up, but Marie has shared that the staff have been excellent in ensuring he feels calm and at ease whenever he’s had these appointments. In particular, his Cardiologist, Dr Karen McLeod, has been incredibly reassuring and supportive whenever Noah and his parents are in for appointments.
How Noah and his Family Have Given Back
Marie and her family have continuously fundraised for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity since Noah was born. The family even had collection buckets out at Noah’s Christening. They have taken part in several of our Sponsored Walks, and in 2018 began hosting fundraising evenings. Their first event raised over £2,300, and they have since held 3 more.
Most recently, Noah celebrated his 10 year Heartversary, and the family threw a celebration event, which brought in almost £3,000! The event had a raffle, games and dancing- and even included a piper welcoming guests.
In total, the family have raised more than £11,500, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their fundraising in support of our young patients and their families in the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.
“We genuinely couldn't do it without the support from everyone who attends our events, and I will never be able to thank them enough.”
Marie, Noah's Mum