Born Unable to Swallow: Forest's Story

Forest was born with a rare birth defect that prevents babies from swallowing. This is his story in the words of his Mum, Jenna.
'Forest was born on the 4th November 2023 at Crosshouse hospital via emergency C-section.'
'As soon as he was born and his dad had cut the cord, I was rushed to intensive care.'
'I didn’t even get to see or hold my baby, my partner showed me a picture of him just before he cut the cord.'
jenna, forest's mum
'Upon review, it was found that Forest was born with a rare condition called Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula (TOF).'
TOF is a rare congenital condition of the trachea that affects 1 in every 3,500 people.
The defect is a connection between the lower part of the oesophagus and the windpipe (trachea).
This causes air to pass from the windpipe to the oesophagus and stomach, and stomach acid to pass into the lungs.
Babies born with the condition aren't able to swallow safely, it at all.
'Forest was immediately transferred to the neonatal unit in Glasgow with my partner.'
jenna, forest's mum
'Meanwhile, I had just had a blood transfusion and had to remain in Crosshouse hospital without my baby or partner.'
'The following day, Forest was reviewed by the most amazing surgeon, Dr Bradknock, who talked us through the surgery he required.'
jenna, forest's mum
'In order for him to swallow safely, Forest required surgery to close off the abnormal connection between his oesophagus and windpipe.'
'After his surgery, he was placed into an induced coma for 10 days so that a contrast study could be performed.'
'To ensure that nothing moved from his surgery, we were still unable to hold our baby.'
jenna, forest's mum
'Forest's dad and I were completely heartbroken, however the staff in NICU kept us going through sending us videos via vCreate through the night so that we could see him.'
'We were staying at Ronald McDonald facility onsite to ensure we could be close to him in the morning until night.'
'We stayed there for 3 weeks and his recovery was remarkable. I cannot thank the nurses and wonderful surgeon we had who looked after us all so well.'
'Forest is now four months old and thriving thanks to the excellent care he received at Glasgow children's hospital!'
Jenna, forest's mum