World IBD Day - Chloe's Journey

World IBD Day takes place on May 19 each year and unites people worldwide in their fight againt Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Crohn’s and Colitis.
13-year-old Chloe is one of the 400 patients at the Royal Hospital for Children currently receiving ongoing IBD treatment.
Hear from Chloe's Mum Karen about her hospital journey and how the teenager isn't letting her condition hold her back.
Chloe's diagnosis
'At the beginning of 2022, I took Chloe to the doctor as she was complaining of pain in her tummy and having to go to the toilet more often.'
'The doctor referred her to the children's hospital for tests and in February 2022, Chloe was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.'
Crohn's Disease is a lifelong inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
'Since Chloe's diagnosis, the hospital and the staff have been amazing. They're always there for us if we need any help and I can’t thank them enough for taking such excellent care of my daughter.'
Karen, chloe's mum
Liquid diet
'I think the hardest part of Chloe's journey was when she started her liquid diet and could only have Moduline for eight weeks.'
'Chloe was amazing and she didn’t let it get her down.'
karen, chloe's mum
'She was determined not to have the feeding tube put in and wanted to do it by herself.'
'This was at times really hard as it fell over the Easter Holidays and there were so many social events that she was going to.'
'During those 8 weeks, poor Chloe also had tonsilitis and Covid.'
'Thankfully, our family were great and helped us a lot. Chloe's friends were also really supportive and tried their best not to eat in front of her so that she didn't feel excluded.'
'It was such a relief when Chloe was able to eat proper food again. For her first meal, Chloe wanted a cheese toastie and orange diluting juice - she said it was the best ever!'
Riding high
'Chloe is getting on really well at the moment. She has put on weight, getting taller and in good health.'
'Chloe is a keen horse rider and is now starting to go to shows and compete in show jumping.'
'Chloe has started to learn the other disciplines like Cross Country and Dressage, and dog agility training, which she is loving as well.'
'She is staying very active and not allowing her condition to define her!'
KAREN, Chloe's mum
'I must say that I am so proud of her and am definitely in awe of her and how she has coped at such a young age.'
Our impact
Funding from Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity is helping young patients with IBD from across Scotland who on some occasions travel many miles to receive treatment at our special children’s hospital. The ground-breaking CD-Treat diet, designed to avoid side-effects caused by liquid diets, was part-funded by the Charity.
We also have paid for taxis for families dealing with IBD who otherwise may have struggled to attend important appointments for biologic infusions.
'We are so grateful for the crucial support the charity offers to our department and to our young patients and their families.'
lEE cURTIS, ibd clinical nurse specialist