Young Heart Patient Faith Raises Thousands for the Children's Hospital

At just four-years-old, young Faith has already undergone four major heart operations. Despite facing a difficult hospital journey, Faith and her loved ones managed to fundraise a fantastic £2420 for Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity last year.
Faith's condition meant she only developed the right side of her heart and has had to undergo multiple procedures to help recirculate the blood around her body.
“Faith has substantial heart defects, which means that she can't do the normal things a four-year-old can do, like playtime or nursery. No two days are the same - we have happy days, sad days, up days and down days. Faith's condition has a massive impact on her life but she is the most loving wee one and gives every day the best she can."
ashleigh and kenneth, faith's parents
In March 2022, Faith underwent a 15 hour operation for the fourth time at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow.
Surgery Day
"On the morning of Faith's latest surgery, the staff on the ward were very comforting."
"The incredible surgical team led by Dr Edward Peng and Faith's cardiologist, Dr Knight, all passed by to make sure we were all OK, which gave us great comfort."
"Eventually, the time came for Faith to go to the theatre and we were escorted by the friendliest porter called Nick - a very nice lad."
"He saw us to the anaesthetic room where we met the two incredible doctors, Aly and Graham."
"They set Faith off to sleep with the utmost care and gave us the best support you could ask for."
"We then entered the long 15 hour wait."
"It was a very nerve-wracking time but all of the ward staff were fantastic at checking up on us and keeping us updated."
"In the small hours of the morning, the time came to meet with Dr Peng and he gave us a detailed talk about what happened in the theatre."
"We have so much time and respect for him and his surgical team."
"We then got to see Faith in ICU and yet again the staff were incredible in supporting Faith on her road to recovery."
"After a few days, Faith went back to the ward where she was given a very warm welcome and where she continues to recover and receive excellent care."
“There may be a chance in the years to come that Faith will need a valve replacement, however she is sadly unable to have a heart transplant as she doesn't have the connections for a normal heart."
“We just take it a day at a time with Faith, we remember yesterday and hope tomorrow is a brighter day.”
kenneth, faith's dad
"We would like to say a massive thank you to the staff at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow Ward 1E and Critical Care."
"This is the best teamwork I have ever seen in a hospital setting."
Kenneth, faith's dad
In Feburary 2022, Faith and her family raised £220 for the charity through a Facebook Fundraiser.
This money went towards our ongoing project with the Theatres Department to transform clinical areas into more child-friendly spaces for young patients.
"Coming for an operation can be a difficult time for a child and their family and we want their experience to be as low-stress as possible. The environment plays a big part of this."
Aly walker, consultant paediatric anaesthetic at the Royal Hospital for Children
Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity is excited to be working with Aly Walker and her team on this Theatres enhancement project which will help reduce anxiety for young patients going through surgery.
At the start of September, Faith's family hosted a fundraiser at the Shipyard function suite in Clydebank, raising a phenomenal £2200 for the charity.
£1500 of the money raised from Faith's Big Charity Night went to the Theatres Department, and £700 was restricted to the Cardiology Ward where Faith is still a patient.
"I have been Faith's anaesthetist for several surgeries, and she really is an inspiration. Her family are also an inspiration - that they found the time and energy in their hearts to organise a fundraiser on top of all of this is unbelievable!"
Aly walker, faith's anaesthetist
"Our next fundraising event will be an 80s vs 90s Charity Night on Saturday the 5th of August in Oliver's function suite on Drumchapel Road."
If you're interested in buying a ticket, please email Kenneth Miller at There will also be some tickets available at the door on the night.
"With fancy dress and a live DJ, it's going to be a fun-filled night that will hopefully raise even more funds for the amazing hospital that looks after our wee Faith."