Catalent Cares for the Children of Scotland

Throughout the pandemic, Bathgate-based Catalent have provided crucial support to seriously ill children from across Scotland and their families.
Since January 2020 they have donated an astonishing £28,775.20 to Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity through their Catalent Cares community programme, through which employees are able to support the causes that matter to them.
Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity is fortunate to be one of 55 partner charities across Catalent’s 34 sites over four continents. Kirsten Watson, CEO, said: “We are so grateful to Catalent for choosing us as one of their Catalent Cares partner organisations and for raising such a substantial sum.
“The incredible support of companies such as Catalent have helped us support the NHS through the pandemic when it has needed it most.
“It has also been brilliant to see the staff members out fundraising and volunteering themselves — we’re delighted to have their continued support.”
Through Catalent Cares we were the grateful recipient of over £8,000 for our Covid-19 Relief Programme, which helped to fund essential items to support the relief effort across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde at the height of the pandemic.
Catalent Cares’ donations provided emergency clothing and toiletries for patients and their families, games, toys and resources for patients, and food, drinks, and coffee machines for NHS Staff Wellbeing Rooms.
In another generous donation, over 100 families were helped by their contribution to our Emergency Fund.
The team in Bathgate have helped in other ways, too, through on-site collection cans, fundraising and volunteering.
In 2019 a Catalent team took part in the Kiltwalk – before then funding Christmas gifts for families and volunteering to write Christmas cards later that year.
A Catalent spokesperson said: “Catalent Cares about volunteering for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. It has become an annual activity we all look forward to.
“In supporting the Charity, this provides us with an opportunity to invest our people, resources and time in a worthwhile charity local to our site.
Catalent on Supporting Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity
“We see how much the Charity means to the children and their families. The emotional and practical support offered during the most challenging time for the patient and families is amazing. The work they do is inspirational and giving some our time to help support, even in a small way, means a great deal.”