To Infinity & Beyond: Mason's Heartiversary

Six years ago today, Mason had his very first open-heart surgery. He has been treated at the children's hospital ever since and your generous donations have supported him on his journey.
Happy 6th Heartiversary, Mason! Hear about this brave wee boy from Mum, Kirsty who has since become a student in Paediatric Nursing after being inspired by the heroes who cared for her little boy:
We were in complete awe when Mason was born - he was perfect! My pregnancy ran smoothly and there were no abnormalities detected during any of my scans.
Sadly when Mason reached 10 days old, our world came crashing down when he was rushed to hospital after turning blue. He was surrounded by a team of professionals working frantically on him to find out what was wrong.
After what felt like hours, we were told "your son has a CHD Tetralogy Of Fallot" and needs emergency heart surgery.
At 12 days old he underwent heart surgery and without Glasgow Children’s Hospital, he wouldn’t be here! Thanks to the calming nature of Mason's cardiologist Dr Knight, surgeon Dr MacArthur and the fantastic multidisciplinary team, I knew he was in the best of hands.
Fast forward a year later - it was time for Mason's full repair. His first open-heart surgery. It was another big hurdle for such a tiny heart but of course, Mason amazed us all as he was so resilient.
I'd like to say a special thank you to Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity who have helped both myself and Mason during our time at hospital.
"As Mason has grown older, he has become more anxious about his heart condition but thanks to the Teddy Bear Hospital and support from the play specialists, his worries have gone when he visits the hospital."
It's so important that we continue to support this charity-funded project and I'm so grateful to everyone who helps to raise funds and make donations. It really makes such a difference.
Today marks his 6-year heartiversary and I will forever be indebted to the amazing team that saved my boy's life. Thank you. Today’s a day for reflection and celebration - I have a bright, energetic, caring, loving, and funny boy who brightens up my world.
He has had this wee buzz lightyear toy ever since the beginning and 6 years later, it's still by his side.