Thank You From Iona

Brave Iona has a special message for our supporters, for helping to make her challenging hospital journey a more positive experience.
Shortly after starting primary school, Iona was diagnosed with a rare and aggresive tumour on her brain stem. This resulted in many months of hospital stays, brain surgeries, daily radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Thanks to Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity, Iona's challenging hospital journey was transformed.
Through our charity-funded hospital Play Programme, Iona was able to enjoy special visits from Disney princesses, sports stars, the Clowndoctors and even Santa, as well as fun games and activities with our volunteers.
This helped to relax and distract Iona from her treatment, and gave her the chance to play and have fun during difficult times. None of this would have been possible however, if it weren't for the generous fundraising and donations from Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity supporters.
Now more than ever, being in hospital is particularly worrying and daunting for young children and their families as the global pandemic continues. Learn more about some of the ways the Charity is continuing to support young patients during COVID-19 >
Hear from Iona and her Mum in this special video, and learn why your support matters to families like theirs.