Emergency Covid-19 Appeal Update

Appeal update from Shona Cardle, Chief Executive
As we enter another few weeks of lockdown, everyone at the Charity is thinking of our caring community of donors, volunteers and fundraisers. We miss you more than ever.
I wanted to keep you up to date with what we’re doing to help during this time, and to provide an update on our Emergency Covid-19 Appeal.
A small team of staff and volunteers are still operating as part of our Emergency Response Team, which is working hard to support our patients, families and NHS Heroes at this time. I’m so grateful to be able to share with you just some of the ways that your donations have made a difference:
Travel and accommodation for parents and carers
When travelling to and from home to visit is simply not an option at this time, and the availability of nearby temporary accommodation is limited, we are working in partnership with the hospital to source, coordinate and help fund local accommodation for families from across Scotland. We are doing everything we can to ensure families can be nearby and keep them together.
Emergency support for parents and carers
We continue to provide emergency grants for parents and carers who are suffering financially as a result of their child’s health condition. One in five children in Scotland live in poverty; our emergency grants are supporting the hospital’s Family Information and Support Team with the resources they need to help those families’ urgent and basic needs, which are under more pressure than ever before.
Helping children cope
Whilst some elements of our hospital play and events programme are restricted at this time, we continue to fund age and needs appropriate play resources, and to support the Play Team to ensure that they have the resources needed to deliver daily play, distraction and interaction for our young patients. We have also funded brand new iPads for the wards, to help children stay connected to their parents, grandparents and families during this time of restricted visiting.
Supporting the wellbeing of our NHS heroes and families
The NHS staff on the front-line are facing unprecedented challenges to their own mental health and wellbeing. We have funded the setup of staff wellbeing rooms, and provided tea, coffee and food to give staff a little respite during their shifts. We are also working with NHS to ensure that parents and carers can get a hot drink– a simple pleasure that we all take for granted, but that can bring a moment of relief during each stressful day.
Our NHS heroes on the front-line, our children and our families need help now more than ever. Thank you to all of our donors, volunteers and corporate partners who have given so generously to our appeal. We promise to continue doing all that we can to support those who need us most at this very challenging time. Take care and stay safe.
Shona Cardle, Chief Executive.