Tickles - The Cleanest Clown in Town

Tickles the Clown has a special message for all the boys and girls at the children's hospital
Our friend 'Tickles' is an extra special member of our hospital family, and brightens up the days of young patients with her weekly ward visits through our charity-funded Play Programme.
Tickles spends hundreds of hours bringing smiles to the faces of children throughout the hospital, but until it is safe for her to visit again, she has had to hang up her red nose and say cheerio to all her friends on the ward for a little while.
Celine said: “Thanks to funding from Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, I have the chance to bring a little fun to the wards as Tickles.
“What I am missing most about my visits is the children. They honestly brighten my day and inspire me so much with their attitude to life, and their families constantly amaze me with their strength.
“I’ve always felt that children in hospital deserve to have a childhood that isn’t just about their illness. Children in hospital already miss so much - school, going out to play, parties etc - and we learn so many skills through play.
“The charity funds the hospital’s Play Programme, and they really need support to continue bringing the power of play to young patients through the COVID-19 outbreak.
"Now more than ever, the Play Programme is absolutely crucial to children’s’ wellbeing, with the absence of outside entertainers, and new visiting restrictions on the wards for family and friends.
“As all parents will be realising right now, it is no easy task to keep children in confined environments entertained or indeed to keep their spirits up. When that child is poorly that challenge is a little greater. The play team do an amazing job keeping so many children busy and engaged.”
While Tickles is known as a hospital hero by young patients, Celine is now stepping into new shoes as an NHS hero, taking on a role as a Domestic Assistant at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary during COVID-19. She added:
“It’s not easy to clown from home. I’m currently keeping busy as a domestic at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. That’s been quite funny at times as I’m so used to being upbeat and fun with the kids that it’s kind of spilling over. I even did the ‘going home’ song and dance for an elderly lady the other day!”
Support our Urgent COVID-19 Appeal
Celine is proud to be supporting our COVID-19 Appeal and along with her clowning comrades from the children’s hospital, is encouraging everyone to support our hospital heroes.
Money raised will help frontline NHS heroes in many ways such as funding the continuation of the charity’s Play Programme which gives children the chance to laugh and play with fun distractions and games during lonely days, while also funding technology to keep isolated children connected with their families amidst the current limitations to visiting.
The emergency appeal will also provide immediate financial aid to help families in hospital who may be unable to afford the very basics or travel costs to visit their child; and also provide support for frontline NHS heroes by creating and replenishing staff wellbeing rooms for them to get much-needed respite from the crisis.
Kirsten Sinclair, Chief Operating Officer, Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity said: “We are incredibly grateful to Celine for her support over the years. Tickles is a much-loved member of our hospital family who has created many magical memories for hundreds of our young patients. To have Celine supporting our Emergency COVID-19 Appeal is very special – we are truly humbled to see supporters like her do all they can to make sure that the Charity can make a positive impact at this difficult time.
“Life has slowed down for many of us, but life in Scotland’s busiest children’s hospital has not. We urgently need donations to help our hospital heroes give seriously ill children the care they need, to support their families, and to bring moments of happiness and laughter to children during these dark days.
“Donations to our urgent COVID-19 appeal will be directed to where the NHS most needs help right now to cope with this crisis. We understand that it’s a challenging time for everyone, but every donation, no matter how big or small will make an immediate difference, and will be greatly appreciated.”